Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Studio Update : Tyler 1 : 07.28.09

I am finally settling into the new studio at Tyler. In short this means that I am finally able to begin new work and in turn give the first studio update since moving to Philadelphia. I have much to say related to this work but will hold most of the content back for future posts. Much of what I present here is in preparation for an increase in scale and developing complexities of form and content. My thoughts float around the idea of cognitive landscapes, strata, contours and topography. That however is about as far as will go in describing sources of my thought processes related to this work. What I am willing to share are images of the first rudimentary drawings, scans, and maquettes. All products of incubation and results of the ongoing investigation that lends itself to the development of new work. Below are images gathered from the two walls of my studio that I use for reflecting upon the work.

With such a small amount of information related to the work I hope that I will retain some sense of curiosity in the viewer. While I enjoy revealing work in progress I often question the effect of releasing such information. But at this stage in the process, such an early point, I think it is safe to share a slice of my studio practice.

Future posts will be tagged as studio updates and cognitive landscapes lest the work takes a major turn.

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