Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Cognitive Landscape Project

The Cognitive Landscape Project (TCLP) is a curatorial project exploring the combined affects of technology and systems for the representation of knowledge on environmental perception, cognition and the development of hybrid ecologies.

The tumblr site functions as the “aggregate space” for related media, text and ideas.

Cognitive Landscape: (approaching a definition)
- noun
1. A mental image representing or resembling a real or imagined environment.
2. The anatomical/physiological make up of the brain and its cognitive agents.
3. Real world environments and their virtual or electronic analogues that together create hybrid ecological spaces and infrastructures in which data, information and knowledge is embedded and communicated through various user interfaces and processing systems. 

More to come...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Studio Update: 03.06.11 : Adjustments

I am in the process of readjusting. David Bruce Studios will remain the umbrella for my efforts however I will be using other platforms to better organize and provide access to those things I find interesting and to focus the writing and research on various projects. Projects will be given there own site/blog/tumblr... presence with all relevant info posting as necessary to respective sites. DBS will channel all broader efforts. The details will work itself out over time. Sorry if it gets confusing for a bit.

Simply put... I think. A brief breakdown....

Tumblr:  Will be used for random daily(ish) general sources of inspiration.
Twitter:   Will basically cover what tumblr does and do what twitter does also.
Pearltrees: Will cover the network of efforts.
Reader: Will cover shared blogposts of interest from my google reader.
Blogger: Will be cover broader full spectrum of my practice.
DavidBruceStudios: Will be a hub but is going to get a major overhaul after graduation.
DavidChristopherBruce: Breaking off soon..Will be solely focused on the portfolio and exhibitions. Site will open at the end of the summer.

Future project sites will open as necessary.